[Leica] IMG: Exercising the Takumar 135 Lens

Jim Nichols jhnichols at lighttube.net
Thu Feb 7 13:47:03 PST 2019

Another nice day, so I did some more exercising of one of my favorite 
old lenses, the Pentax Super Multi Coated Takumar 135/3.5.  My original 
M42 to 4/3 adapter was too thick.  I ground down the thickness to get an 
accurate focus at the infinity mark, and wanted a check of  my work.  
This 100  yr old home, presently for sale, is about half a block from my 
back yard.  The nail heads showed me that the adjustment was fine.


This power pole in my neighbor's back yard has an orange sash around it, 
marking it for replacement.  The wood is in poor shape.  But the 
interesting thing to me is the so-called squirrel screen that is 
intended to limit squirrel access to the high-voltage line.  Squirrels 
cause most of our power outages. I'm just not sure how the screen works.


Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA

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