[Leica] IMG: Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Douglas Herr telyt at earthlink.net
Fri Dec 27 04:04:43 PST 2019

This Ruby-crowned Kinglet (Regulus calendula) has discovered the delights of my hummingbird feeder.  While the kinglet and the resident hummingbirds have occasional discussions about possession of said source of sugary syrup, for the most part they leave each other alone.  This kinglet visits the feeder every few minutes allowing me the opportunity for a few photographs.

I had initially set the camera up on a tripod a few meters away and covered the camera and myself with camo-print netting, which the kinglet pretty much ignored.  I eventually left the netting on only the camera/tripod, exposing my camo-print hat and eyes.  This photograph was the kinglet's initial response to the altered scenery:


all comments welcome.

Doug Herr
Birdman of Sacramento

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