[Leica] Banned Photo

Peter Klein boulanger.croissant at gmail.com
Wed Aug 21 19:33:28 PDT 2019

Tina, your photos are beautiful and contribute to understanding of 
humanity in all its richness and variety. You shouldn't have to deal 
with this nonsense, and I'm sorry that you do.

The algorithms are crude and tar with a broad brush. And there are some 
people who devote their lives to purging the world of some imagined 
transgression.  Social media will do anything they can get away with 
regarding their monetizing our data, and then some.  But they will also 
err far on the side of stupidity when it comes to avoiding legal 
troubles or getting blocked in any community or country.  It costs them 
nothing, and they can shunt all objections down an automated e-trash bin.

If it's any consolation, Facebook once censored a video of me playing 
the "Hallelujah" Chorus, claiming I had violated the copyrights of 
George Frederick Handel and the Robert Shaw Chorale. I wrote to them 
that the Robert Shaw Chorale did not own the copyright to any 
performances other than their own. And that since Handel had been dead 
for over 250 years, the music was public domain. I never got a response. 
I was able to reinstate the video only by filling out an automated form. 
I had to claim that it was my music, and that I had a right to post it. 
I figured since the music was public domain, and I am a member of the 
public, I was telling the truth.


On Wed, Aug 21, 2019, 2:18 PM Tina Manley via LUG <lug at leica-users.org>

 > PESO:
 > I was banned from Facebook for 24 hours for posting this photo which
 > violates their Community Standards by showing "adult nudity or sexual
 > situations"
 > https://pbase.com/image/169664058
 > Compared to the Leica photos posted on FB pages, this one shows less 
 > nudity or sexual situations than most!!
 > I guess I will not post the next one on FB!!
 > https://pbase.com/image/169664095
 > C&C greatly appreciated.
 > Tina

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