[Leica] But the bokeh is great!

John Lee jwlee01 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 19 23:36:25 PDT 2019

It was 2007.

On Monday, August 19, 2019, Brian Reid <reid at mejac.palo-alto.ca.us> wrote:

> About fifteen years ago I was invited to be a speaker at the annual
> gathering of NYLUG -- the New York Leica Users Group. The meeting was held
> at ICP, whose website at www.icp.org asserts:
>     "The International Center of Photography (ICP) is the world’s leading
>      institution dedicated to photography and visual culture."
> There were 15 or 20 Leica Users in attendance. The NYLUG organizer (John
> Lee) wanted to get a group photograph of the attendees. Kyle Cassidy was in
> the group, and he went off to find someone who could take the picture. He
> came back with a person who he said was a senior photography instructor
> there at ICP. Someone provided an M7 with a 35/1.4 Summilux on it, and we
> all gathered in a pose.
> It soon became obvious that the photography instructor had no idea what to
> do with a rangefinder camera. I don't remember how we ended up with
> photos--was the instructor suitably instructed, or was a new photographer
> found? Come to think of it, I'm not sure I ever saw a copy of that photo.
> It's a good thing the M7 had been loaded with film before it was handed to
> the instructor....
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