[Leica] But the bokeh is great!

Peter Klein boulanger.croissant at gmail.com
Mon Aug 19 22:36:15 PDT 2019

Thanks, Brian, and all who commented.

As I thought, this is a common experience. It brought back many memories 
of my mother trying to get someone to take a family snap with her Bolsey 
B2 rangefinder back in the "60s.  She would hold up her index finger and 
say, "Make the two fingers become one." In fact, one of the duff images 
of this scene has me doing just that.

I "got it" at age 7 or 8, so I could take a decent picture with that 
Bolsey. It was my pre-Leica training. Most of the rest of the family 
never could figure it out.  My usual method these days is to focus on 
the scene myself, then plant my photographer in my footprints and say, 
"just press this button after I get over there."

Now the good news. "S," the young woman who took the "bokeh" picture, 
pretty much figured it out after about 12 shots. Her last two images 
were usable as family snaps with some extra sharpening in post. Much 
more encouraging than Brian's Senior Photography Instructor.

S. is into photography and shoots a Nikon DSLR.  She was very interested 
in my Leica, and said she really wanted one. I suspect she would be fine 
with a Leica after a little instruction and practice. So think good 
thoughts about her, she's one of us!


Brian Reid wrote:
> There were 15 or 20 Leica Users in attendance. The NYLUG organizer (John
> Lee) wanted to get a group photograph of the attendees. Kyle Cassidy was
> in the group, and he went off to find someone who could take the
> picture. He came back with a person who he said was a senior photography
> instructor there at ICP. Someone provided an M7 with a 35/1.4 Summilux
> on it, and we all gathered in a pose.
> It soon became obvious that the photography instructor had no idea what
> to do with a rangefinder camera. I don't remember how we ended up with
> photos--was the instructor suitably instructed, or was a new
> photographer found? Come to think of it, I'm not sure I ever saw a copy
> of that photo.

I wrote:
> Why handing your Leica M to a relative so you can get into a family
> picture often isn't such a good idea.
> <http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/pklein/temp/L1000180.jpg.html>

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