[Leica] Pray for Hong Kong

Howard Cummer hcummer at gmail.com
Sat Aug 17 09:04:54 PDT 2019

HI Richard,

I share  your anguish for Hong Kong, for my many friends and former employees there.

I don’t see how the present situation can ever turn into a “win win” one. Hong Kong
is not going to be given democracy - despite what was promised in the Basic Law -
because that example would threaten the hegemony of the Communist Party in
China proper. 

And losing basic freedoms bit by bit as Beijing tightens its grip
despite what was promised in 1997 - makes Hong Kong less attractive to
Hong Kongers. The result is the departure of capable HKers to more welcoming
places - like Canada. We have three families of close friends who are already
making the move.

How the present confrontation will be resolved shortly I am afraid to even contemplate.


Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2019 23:00:13 -0700
From: Richard Man <richard at imagecraft.com <mailto:richard at imagecraft.com>>
To: Leica Users Group <lug at leica-users.org <mailto:lug at leica-users.org>>
Subject: [Leica] Pray for Hong Kong

A number of LUGgers have lived in Hong Kong, some like Howard, for many
years. Some like Greg, occasional visitors. Many have visited.

I was born in Hong Kong, and the current events fill me with trepidation. I
talked to my Tai Chi teacher, and he said wisely, "Water always find its
level". A very Daoist thing, be like water.

If I have the resource, I will go there now, to document the events. There
are lots of propaganda flowing around, including hilariously that US is
paying the protesters.

Anyway, please keep up with the news. I don't know what will happen. I hope
the Tiananman scenario does not happen. If you are on Facebook, you can
follow sites like Hong Kong Free Press (which is definitely very much pro
democracy and independence), or SCMP which was a very well respected news
source, but less so in recent years as it was bought by Jack Ma, the
Alibaba founder, but it still does provide news reports without too much

Without getting into politics, the current administration does not care
about democracy in Hong Kong other than whatever fits its selfish agenda.
However, we can still call our Congress representatives. Anyway, please
send good thoughts and hope for bloodless resolution.

Thank you.

// richard http://imagecraft.com <http://imagecraft.com/>
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