[Leica] Flash gun

Jayanand Govindaraj jayanand at gmail.com
Mon Aug 12 07:04:41 PDT 2019

I have gone shooting with the Magnum photographer, Raghu Rai, a few times
on the streets of Chennai and its environs. He invariably has a small flash
as a very gentle fill stuck permanently to his camera body, whether it be
Canon, or Nikon.


On Mon, Aug 12, 2019 at 4:40 PM Gerry Walden via LUG <lug at leica-users.org>

> I am considering buying a small flash gun (e.g. SF26) for use as a fill
> flash just to pop a bit of light into subjects when I am shooting with the
> M240. This will be for dark environments such as around a table outdoors
> etc. I have not needed a flashgun for years and I have Metz 54MZ3 which I
> can put a standard foot on but it is a bit heavy. Unfortunately Metz do not
> do a SCA adapter for use with M240.
> Any thoughts?
> Thanks,
> Gerry
> Gerry Walden
> 023 8046 3076
> 0797 287 7932
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