[Leica] Fog on Flight 1107: B&W vs. color?

Mark Rabiner mark at rabinergroup.com
Sat Aug 3 18:46:08 PDT 2019

The black and white version looks like a still from the old Outer Limits tv show from the early 1960's.
The color version looks like the recent Twilight Zone revisited redo which is out now probably shot with Big Red ones or Canon SLRs and sampled down from 8 million rez.
Both have their pluses. Not seeing any down side!



Mark William Rabiner

On 8/3/19, 8:18 PM, "LUG on behalf of Peter Klein via LUG" <lug-bounces+mark=rabinergroup.com at leica-users.org on behalf of lug at leica-users.org> wrote:

    Which do you like better, the color version or the B&W?  I'm torn--I 
    like the violet color in the color version, but the B&W (filtered for 
    violet light) shows the fog much better.  I realize the shot isn't a 
    technical masterpiece, as all I had handy was my iPhone 5, which is 
    terrible in low light. But the choice is an interesting trade-off.  What 
    do you think?
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