[Leica] a MotionMandala

Don Dory don.dory at gmail.com
Sat Aug 3 03:55:34 PDT 2019

A nice end to the evening.  Now if I could convince you to catch a wide
body from roll out to rotation... that would start the morning.

On Fri, Aug 2, 2019 at 11:09 PM CartersXRd via LUG <lug at leica-users.org>

> The Daily Ric - EXTRA
> Friday, August 2, 2019
> I was noticing a distant train slowly approaching. It was quiet in its
> remoteness. The fire of its ditch lights dashed about on the tonnage
> polished rails of the approach and the curving interlaces of the switch
> rails. The heat shimmer of the distance making the colors and shape of the
> locomotive a vision of an Impressionist painter. The exhaust heating the
> air above the engine to an even greater roil. It lumbers and ambles closer
> almost imperceptibly. It eases my mind and calms the static of the world
> racing by. Click the link to share the vision in a five-minute video. I
> hope you enjoy and steady yourself with this MotionMandala.
> < https://2019.cartersxrd.net/CX2019/2019.08.02x.html>
> Ric Carter
> www.CartersXRd.net
> http://www.facebook.com/ric.carter
> The only razor I use is Occam’s.
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don.dory at gmail.com

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