[Leica] Fwd: IMG: Chateau 61 Revisited

Douglas Barry imra at iol.ie
Thu Aug 1 02:37:25 PDT 2019

Posted this last night, but it vanished into the ether.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	IMG: Chateau 61 Revisited
Date: 	Wed, 31 Jul 2019 23:49:57 +0100
From: 	Douglas Barry <imra at iol.ie>
To: 	lug at leica-users.org <lug at leica-users.org>

A flown bird, I'd suspect - 1961 Chateau Coutet from the Barsac commune 
in the Saurernes region of Bordeaux. I got this following the death of a 
friend of mine back in 2001 and tried to nurse it with a view to opening 
it on his 20th anniversary in 2021. It always had a lower level than 
optimum, but I forgot to check the cork last year, and at a guess, I'd 
say it's history. I'll find out at the weekend. One small step for a 
man: one giant gulp for mankind.

Sony A7ii with FE Zeiss Sonnar 55/1.8.


Can be seen LARGE if desired.


ps I will be making creme brulée to go with it.

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