[Leica] FS FT Leica R Prototype 60mm Maceo Elmarit f2.8 MADE IN GERMANY fro M-10 kit or

Mark Kronquist mak at teleport.com
Sun Apr 14 23:35:37 PDT 2019

I am a horrible soul and I USE my Leica Cameras and lenses…film or digital…

Billion pix yours for the asking

Want to trade for M-10 Kit


I ran this by James Lager and here is what he said…

On Mar 17, 2019, at 3:16 PM, James Lager <jlager100 at yahoo.com <mailto:jlager100 at yahoo.com>> wrote:

Greetings Mark, The data I have indicates the earliest "official delivery"
 of the 60mm Macro Elmarit R came in the Spring of 1972. The batch is
 2497101-2498100 <tel:2497101-2498100>. Lens numbers 2413101-2414100 <tel:2413101-2414100> seem to be missing
 from  Wetzlar documents which usually suggests Leitz Canada had
 reserved these numbers. HOWEVER, Puts lists 500 60mm lenses at 
2413601-2414100 <tel:2413601-2414100> from 1970. He must have better data than I . I was in
 the technical department at Leitz Rockleigh and we did not even see a
 60mm macro until Spring 1972. I got mine 2498073 I think in late 1972
 as a demo lens. As far as I can remember I have never seen a lens  
in the 2413601-2414100 <tel:2413601-2414100> group. It is only my opinion but I think that tiny
 engraved dot after the serial number may suggest an early test lens handed 
out to selected R photographers . Leitz did this regularly especially with 
European pros. In any event you have something different. I will be at Leitz Park 
and the Archive in May and will see what I can unearth. Thanks, Jim. 


thoughts? Thanks   Mark who uses his Leicas

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