[Leica] IMG: An Unexpected Photo Story

Jim Nichols jhnichols at lighttube.net
Thu Apr 11 14:12:56 PDT 2019

As I wandered around the airport, getting some exercise on a warm, but 
windy, day, I let the wind carry me to the Vanderbilt Hospital Life 
Flight hangar.  I snapped a few helicopter shots and moved on to another 
hangar, when I heard a siren.  Shortly, I saw a County ambulance arrive 
with a patient for emergency transport. I kept my distance, but shot 
some pictures.

Life Flight on standby:


Ambulance arrived:


Patient is readied for transport while pilot warms up the helicopter:


Patient is loaded into helicopter:


The journey to Nashville begins:


All were shot with my X-T2 and the old Soligar/Tokina 35/2 and can be 
viewed large if desired.

Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA

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