[Leica] Mt. Rushmore

Aram Langhans leica_r8 at hotmail.com
Sat Sep 29 17:34:39 PDT 2018

If you live in the US you need to see Mt. Rushmore.  I am not overly 
patriotic, but it is a moving place.  In the day time it looks like this.


You can hike to the base and look up, and to the gallery where it 
explains how it was done, but this trip the trail was closed for 

But you really need to see the evening event.  It starts out after dark 
with a ranger talk that is very good.


Then they call for all the veterans to come on stage.  While a vet, I 
stayed in the stand to take a few photos. They play the national anthem, 
then they take the flag down.  Kind of funny to see them try to remember 
how to fold the flag.


Then they play a video and turn the lights on the statues.  I stuck 
around to let most people leave to get this photo of the lighted faces 
with the big dipper above them.

Not sure how this will look as it was only done on my laptop. Looks 
pretty good on my laptop.  Hope so on a real monitor.

Then you walk back through the hall of flags, where the state flags fly 
in order of when they became states.


As I said, a moving experience for even me, who has not been too 
patriotic since Vietnam.

Comments welcome


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