[Leica] LR Competitor

Tina Manley tmanley at gmail.com
Thu Sep 27 06:03:12 PDT 2018

I use their On1 Effects software as a filter and like it but I would never
replace LR and think the $10 a month I pay to Adobe is the best bargain in
photography today.


On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 11:17 PM, Frank Filippone <red735i at verizon.net>

> I just read that ON 1 will offer a photo editor that will accept LR edits
> and allow you to modify them further..... and it will be offered not as a
> subscription service......
> I HATE paying $10 a month for the rest of my life..... or having to TIFF
> all my existing photos so that I can switch from Adobe..........
> This may be a serious contender / competitor to Adobe......
> https://www.on1.com/products/photo-raw/
> Does any one have expereience with this company?   Comments?
> Frank Filippone Red735i at verizon.net
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Tina Manley

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