[Leica] tripod suggestions

John McMaster john at mcmaster.co.uk
Fri Sep 21 01:54:40 PDT 2018

I assume that is the older aluminium version?  Tall sturdy tripods are expensive, carbon fibre Gitzo or RRS....  Wooden ones are good but do not go too tall and do not fold up small.


-----Original Message-----

It's time for a tripod upgrade.

What I have now: a very used hand-me-down Gitzo Series 5 with 3-way head

What I like: it's tall and solid

What I don't like: it's heavy, the leg locks don't always lock and they're difficult for arthritic hands to operate.

What I want: less weight, same height, better leg locks, similar sturdiness.  Head will be Acratech long-lens head with Wimberley sidekick.  Biggest camera likely to include a 500mm f/4 with 1.4x extender.


Doug Herr
Birdman of Sacramento

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