[Leica] IMG: Neighborhood Woodchuck

Jim Nichols jhnichols at lighttube.net
Sat Sep 15 18:48:51 PDT 2018

I hope to get one of him in custody!

Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA

On 9/15/2018 3:53 PM, Douglas Barry wrote:
> Jim, that's one big thinking woodchuck if it intends to chuck that 
> size of wooden building over its head :-)
> BTW we don't have woodchucks over here in Ireland, so I thought to 
> myself that's the first photo I've ever seen of one. Turns out it's a 
> groundhog which we also don't have over here, but most of us have 
> heard of Groundhog Day  - well at least the film of it.
> Best of luck getting a closer sharper shot of your new tenant.
> Douglas
> On 15/09/2018 19:29, Jim Nichols wrote:
>> My neighbor called yesterday and told me a woodchuck had taken up 
>> residence beneath her deck.  As I made preparations to borrow a live 
>> trap, I looked out in my yard and saw the critter exploring my yard.  
>> Although I moved outside as quietly as possible, he headed for the 
>> deepest shade he could find, and eventually slipped beneath my 
>> utility barn.
>> http://www.gallery.leica-users.org/v/OldNick/20180915-DSCF9697.JPG.html
>> To be continued.......................................
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