[Leica] The Hop Harvest on Pender Island - Douglas

Philippe photo.philippe.amard at gmail.com
Thu Sep 6 23:25:34 PDT 2018


That’s a fantastic set where film rules - amazing takes and rendition, the guy(s) knew the job.

Thanks for sharing


> Le 7 sept. 2018 à 02:34, Douglas Barry <imra at iol.ie> a écrit :
> Howard, it great to see such an involved community activity still being carried out on your island. Your pal took two great pictures of you, even though, to the disappointment of perhaps some, he used a Nikon :-)
> Personally I was disappointed that I didn't see you and your wife with some of the more traditional equipment...
> https://mashable.com/2017/06/03/hop-pickers/?europe=true#tqwFM1zqUqqN
> Douglas
> On 06/09/2018 23:53, CartersXRd via LUG wrote:
>> always love a story
>> ric
>>> On Sep 6, 2018, at 3:09 PM, Howard Cummer via LUG <lug at leica-users.org> wrote:
>>> Hello Luggers,
>>> On Tuesday some 60 neighbours gathered at Richard’s Hop Farm on Pender Island
>>> to harvest his hop crop which he sells to the Hoyne Brewery in Victoria.
>>> The community building exercise takes about 4 or 5 hours - including
>>> a break for lunch with beer provided by Hoyne - who send their truck over
>>> on the morning ferry - to take the freshly picked hops back to the brewery
>>> for immediate cooking. The end product is Wolf Vine beer - highly sought after
>>> and in very limited quantities. I have already ordered 6 big bottles from
>>> the liquor store for our thanksgiving dinner with the family.
>>> Here is a sub folder in my 2018 folder of the Hop harvest. Almost all pictures are
>>> taken with my repaired M10 and the Tri-Elmar at various focal lengths.
>>> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Howard+Cummer/2018+photos/Hop+Harvest/ <http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Howard+Cummer/2018+photos/Hop+Harvest/>
>>> We managed to pick 40 barrels (each weighing about 12 pounds) of Cascade
>>> Hops and 10 barrels of Sterling in the sunny 4 - 5 hours we were there.
>>> I wanted to highlight one photo - the reward for the day:
>>> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Howard+Cummer/2018+photos/Hop+Harvest/ <http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Howard+Cummer/2018+photos/Hop+Harvest/>
>>> You can look large if you like. C&C always welcome.
>>> Howard
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