[Leica] for example

Brian Reid reid at mejac.palo-alto.ca.us
Sun May 27 11:58:08 PDT 2018

Here is a typical oversize notification.

-------- Original Message --------

SUBJECT: LUG post from photo at frozenlight.eu requires approval
DATE: 2018-05-27 10:49
FROM: lug-owner at leica-users.org
TO: lug-owner at leica-users.org

As list administrator, your authorization is requested for the
following mailing list posting:

     List:    LUG at leica-users.org
     From:    photo at frozenlight.eu
     Subject: Re: [Leica] OT: delay in posts appearing on the list
     Reason:  Message body is too big: 24624 bytes with a limit of 20 KB

At your convenience, visit:


to approve or deny the request.

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