Gerry Walden gerry.walden at icloud.com
Sat Mar 10 22:12:58 PST 2018

I watched a lot of this on YouTube and it was very clearly sponsored by Fujifilm to display their camera which is in direct competition to the Leica ’S' series. A number of the photographers involved seemed to be saying they were not happy with the larger size and preferred a smaller camera, although they didn’t say so in so many words. The impression I got was that they were saying what was anted rather than what they thought.

Virtually every other Magnum promotional item on YouTube shows a strong preference for Leica equipment. Has Magnum really sold out to Fujifilm? Has their been some kind of lovers tiff between Magnum and Leica?


Gerry Walden
023 8046 3076
0797 287 7932

> On 11 Mar 2018, at 00:33, Robert Baron via LUG <lug at leica-users.org> wrote:
> Thanks for posting these links, Peter, they bring up some interesting
> material.
> As luck would have it I was just listening to an episode of a podcast
> (Visual Revolutionary, VR Shorts Episode #2) featuring David Alan Harvey
> and during the interview he mentioned this project.  Also of interest was
> his dismissal of GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome), which of course I have to
> fight on a regular basis.
> With regard to your thought about a LUG project it is a good one but I'm
> afraid I can't presently volunteer for a role, although I could certainly
> contribute an image if it does come to pass.
> --Bob
> On Tue, Mar 6, 2018 at 12:33 PM, Peter Dzwig <pdzwig at summaventures.com>
> wrote:
>> All,
>> I got a mail from "L'Oeil de la Photographie" about a book  - and
>> exhibition -
>> being published by Magnum called "Home":
>> <https://loeildelaphotographie.com/en/16-photographes-de-magnum-
>> racontent-leur-chez-soi-en-images/?utm_source=Liste%
>> 20ODLP%20nouvelle%20version&utm_campaign=f5b4078d05-
>> Newsletter%20FR%206.02.2018&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_
>> 27b3627ade-f5b4078d05-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D&ct=t(Newsletter%
>> 20FR%206.02.2018)>
>> The link to "Home" on Magnum's site is here:
>> <http://home-magnum.com/en/>
>> NFI by the way! (I should be so lucky)
>> The YouTube videos are very interesting and worth spending a few minutes
>> watching for their own sake - and much more interesting than TV!
>> The brief makes intetesting reading on its own too. And a thought crossed
>> my
>> mind, didn't we (The LUG) do things like this at one time? How about "The
>> LUG at
>> Home"? What do you think? An idea worth pursuing? I was fascinated by the
>> variety of things that people included and thought of as signifying their
>> "Home"
>> If it is let's discuss the topic first, mechanics last of all. If it were
>> done
>> it needn't be a physical book...
>> Regards,
>> Peter
>> --
>> ===========================================================
>> Dr Peter Dzwig
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