[Leica] Digital back for film SLRs . . .

Frank Filippone red735i at verizon.net
Fri Mar 9 10:51:44 PST 2018

I do not understand why anyone with half a brain would spend their hard
earned $$$ to invest in the idea of, or, maybe be promised a discount at
purchase on a product that does not exist, may never exist, and may not even
be in development without due diligence, from a non existent company. 

A Digital camera back for film cameras is an idea that has been around since
the first digital sensors came out.  Not one of these backs has ever
materialized in production form.

If you want a digital back for your Nikon F ( circa 1964 ), then go buy a
D40, D50, etc.... That is an assured purchase.  It will work as the specs
stated when the D camera was new..

Pipedreams are for fools and those who fleece the people stupid enough to
send them money.

If you must waste your money on a pipedream, send it to me.....  I have a
plan to build the Brooklyn Bridge.

Frank Filippone

Red735i at verizon.net

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