Peter Dzwig pdzwig at summaventures.com
Tue Mar 6 10:33:00 PST 2018


I got a mail from "L'Oeil de la Photographie" about a book  - and exhibition -
being published by Magnum called "Home":


The link to "Home" on Magnum's site is here:


NFI by the way! (I should be so lucky)

The YouTube videos are very interesting and worth spending a few minutes
watching for their own sake - and much more interesting than TV!

The brief makes intetesting reading on its own too. And a thought crossed my
mind, didn't we (The LUG) do things like this at one time? How about "The LUG at
Home"? What do you think? An idea worth pursuing? I was fascinated by the
variety of things that people included and thought of as signifying their "Home"

If it is let's discuss the topic first, mechanics last of all. If it were done
it needn't be a physical book...



Dr Peter Dzwig				

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