[Leica] Leica Curse

Philippe photo.philippe.amard at gmail.com
Thu Jun 28 12:05:45 PDT 2018

Hi Howard !!!!

This is great news !

A belated HBD to you, of course !

Now about the curse, there ain’t any, you’re not doomed, the camera will be repaired, swapped for another, etc. 
Leica wouldn’t be Leica if they acted as foolish brands such ans N…n , C…n or F… (no ck please) do. 

I am so happy you’re so unexpectedly surfacing like this :-)
And I had been wondering about your whereabouts, your health mainly too of course.

Amities, to be shared with Esther


> Le 28 juin 2018 à 20:44, Howard Cummer via LUG <lug at leica-users.org> a écrit :
> Morning Luggers,
> I have been lurking for a couple of years but not posting much. Still enjoying all your pictures.
> Want to share with you today - a good news / bad news story. My four kids got together 
> earlier this month and gifted my a Leica M10 (thank you kids!) for my 75th birthday. 
> It took some hinting but the result was a good one.
> After 23 days of happy use the camera sensor developed a fault line - see photo.
> <http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Howard+Cummer/2018+photos/Eloise_KatieL1004187W.jpg.html>
> I emailed Wetzlar and they forwarded my email to New Jersey. I sent them photos and they
> asked me to send in the camera for sensor or connector replacement. I have asked for a new
> camera rather than waiting weeks / months for repair. Will see what happens.
> This is my fifth digital M and I have had some problem with each and every unit. I call it
> my “Leica curse”.
> I know that many Luggers will respond with their experiences of perfect performance
> from their digital Leicas but their happy experiences don’t negate the pain of my experience.
> The M10 was, by the way, quite a lovely camera to use - especially the Visoflex EVF which is now
> finally of sufficient resolution to be truly useful. 
> Howard
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