[Leica] IMG: The Old Mountain Farm

Philippe photo.philippe.amard at gmail.com
Sun Jun 24 08:44:21 PDT 2018

Mountain farm including barn on the ground floor. As is often the case in altitude (here > 1500 m) the farmers would enjoy the warmth of the cattle as well as the sounds and smells ...

http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Phileica/Doulce+France/Praz-deLys-The+Old+Farm-0030.jpg.html <http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Phileica/Doulce+France/Praz-deLys-The+Old+Farm-0030.jpg.html>

Also, hay was kept upstairs, next to and above the rooms they lived in, and acting as an insulating material, so long as it lasted ..
http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Phileica/Doulce+France/Praz-de-Lys-Old+Farm-0042.jpg.html <http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Phileica/Doulce+France/Praz-de-Lys-Old+Farm-0042.jpg.html>



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