[Leica] Thoughts on B&W tonality

Don Dory don.dory at gmail.com
Mon Jun 11 06:23:28 PDT 2018

Recently Lluis made a comment on the tonality(very dark) of an image that I
had posted.  His remarks prompted some evaluation on my part about choices
in how to structure the tonality of B&W images.  Modern technology pretty
much lets the photographer produce images with any tonality desired
allowing almost as much freedom as a painter.

I replied to Lluis's comments with the immediate reason for my tone curve:
to whit that I had been bing reading B&W magazine and their tonality tended
to be zone II and III down to 0.  On reflection, my choice of tonality was
also influenced by dislike for magnolia leaves in particular; so the
tonality was an expression of my dislike for the leaves that litter my
flatwork every day.

But that does bring up the use of tone in at least western culture to
express positive or negative thoughts; the classic white hat/black hat
western motif.  It would be interesting to hear from others on the LUG who
come from different cultural heritages about light/dark tones, emotion and
value structures.

don.dory at gmail.com

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