[Leica] IMGS: France

Peter Dzwig pdzwig at summaventures.com
Wed Jan 10 11:18:09 PST 2018


I know they are all Kodachromes, but on my screen many (but not all) appear to
have a very strong blue cast to them. I don't think it's just my screen.

Very nostalgic photos.


On 09/01/2018 13:59, Tina Manley wrote:
> I was in the middle of scanning Italy when I got a request for photos for a
> French textbook so I started skimming a few of France to scan:
> https://tinamanley.photoshelter.com/gallery/France/G0000B6qF.Dx.7Q0/
> Some are over-the-top stock photos, some just travel photos, some are
> family memories.  All are with a Leica M3 that I bought on that trip in
> 1976 and all are Kodachromes.
> C&C greatly appreciated.
> Tina


Dr Peter Dzwig				

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