[Leica] Return of my M9 - Frank F.

Mark Rabiner mark at rabinergroup.com
Tue Feb 13 22:14:33 PST 2018

Maybe the memory card  got mechanical  access to the shutter area because it thought it was a roll of Fujifilm? (


Mark William Rabiner

On 2/14/18, 12:11 AM, "LUG on behalf of Frank Filippone" <lug-bounces+mark=rabinergroup.com at leica-users.org on behalf of red735i at verizon.net> wrote:

    Yes, seems very unfair to have this kind of lousy luck.  I too woud press Fuji for repair costs.
    I must admit to being a bit surprosed that the card slot had any mechanical  access to the shutter area..... 

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