[Leica] IMGS: Norway

Jim Hemenway jim at hemenway.com
Thu Feb 8 05:46:20 PST 2018


Especially the 1st, 2nd and 4th.


On 2/8/18 3:18 AM, Tina Manley via LUG wrote:
> I've been posting on FB but I know some of you are not on there so I've
> posted a few of my Norway photos on PBase:
> http://www.pbase.com/tinamanley/image/166979498
> and Next until the end.  I've used the 90-280 more than I thought I would.
> It's a great lens.  The Northern Lights were all with the 19/2.8 R lens
> with an adapter for the SL.  We leave today for Sweden.  I've just glanced
> at the photos on this tiny netbook and look forward to really editing them
> when I get home.
> C&C greatly appreciated.
> Tina

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