[Leica] Fuji vs Sony question

Jayanand Govindaraj jayanand at gmail.com
Fri Dec 28 20:18:14 PST 2018

I have no experience with the Sony system at all, but then I am not
interested in using legacy lenses at all. When I first started to shoot
Fuji, Sony were nowhere in the picture, and for a good bit of time after
that they kept releasing bodies without releasing lenses, which has righted
to a large extent now. However as far as I am concerned, Fuji suited me
very well, so I saw no reason to change.

I started using Fuji with the X-Pro 1 - Howard Cummer landed up with one in
India for a tiger safari, a week after it was released, and by the end of
the trip I had bought it from him. I have been extremely happy with the
system, and find most of the lenses to be superlative. I use the Fuji stuff
when I want to carry a small, unobtrusive, compact, lightweight system with
me, mainly for street and cultural travel. Its being an APS-C sensor helps
my requirement, as it keeps the package quite small and very manageable.

You cannot dodge physics, so all fast lenses for full frame mirrorless
systems will be, by definition, large and bulky, and depending on the
manufacturing quality, heavy as well. This is one reason that
Sony/Leica/Nikon all release slower zooms to start with, to give the
appearance of a compact system, and then slowly release the faster zooms
surreptitiously a year or two later!

As you have, and shoot with Nikon equipment, would it not make sense to
shoot with a Z6/Z7 as you already have perfectly usable lenses for the
system. I have handled both at the launch, and at B&H last month, but not
tried them out in the field as yet, but the ergonomics and menu are the
same as the DSLRs, it has IBIS, and any number of adapters are already on
the market.

My two bits.


On Fri, Dec 28, 2018 at 12:49 PM Aram Langhans via LUG <lug at leica-users.org>

> I was wondering what people who have these cameras think of them in
> comparison to each other.  I am thinking of the Sony a7 MIII and the
> Fuji Xt series.
> Forget that there is a FF vs crop sensor difference.  I understand that
> issue.  I am more interested in native optics, stabilization for legacy
> glass, quality of output as far as color and low light, and EVF.
> Thanks.
> Aram
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