[Leica] Hong Kong Leica Ramble

Howard Cummer hcummer at gmail.com
Tue Dec 4 13:56:58 PST 2018

Hello Luggers,

Arrived in Hong Kong three mornings ago. It is the one place in the world I
can visit without medical travel insurance as I have PR (Permanent Residency)
with access, if needed, to the local public health system - so we are here to celebrate
Christmas with our son, daughter-in-law and namesake grandson.

On Monday I met up with old friend Greg Rubinstein, visiting from Chicago, Austin, Kafu Wong,
and old HK friend Ray Tai for a ramble through the Shau Kei Wan wet market followed
by Dim Sum lunch. At lunch we were joined by Raymond Yu, long time Leica repairman,
now retired but doing film body repairs privately. I have known Raymond since he repaired
the rewind knob on my first M6 from sometime in the mid 80’s.

Here is a folder of images taken during the ramble. Most are with the M10 and the tri-elmar
with one or two taken with the Konica dual 21 - 35 on the M10.

The close ups are the 90 Elmarit on the Fuji XH1 - a combination, given the IBIS in the
XH1 - that allows me to get eye lash sharp close ups without magnification vibration.

<http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Howard+Cummer/HongKong2018/Austin_Kafu_Ray_Greg35Tri.jpg.html <http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Howard+Cummer/HongKong2018/Austin_Kafu_Ray_Greg35Tri.jpg.html>>

and shift right. Can be viewed large if you like.

C&C always welcome.


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