[Leica] Hadley Pro vs Hadley One

Mark Rabiner mark at rabinergroup.com
Fri Aug 10 21:51:52 PDT 2018

The new just out Hadley One is an improved Hadley Pro and a bit bigger increasing its functionality for people shooting DSLRS with zooms as many of us have long done.
I’ve had a  smaller black with nickel Hadley Pro at my side for a few years now it goes anywhere and looks like everyone else's flat black bags but maybe just a tad nicer..   But I think the sized up One unlike the Pro is really going to scream “camera bag”.  So I may find it limiting and still at times use the Pro when I go to the opera or to a tough hood.. There could be anything in a Hadley Pro. Paper clips. A tuna sandwich in a baggie.  The One looks like it's a million bucks worth of cameras in it.
So I might as well just get gutsy and get a color other than black which would give me the brass and leather Brit wanna be look. Which will go will with my Kmart pants and tee-shirts. Rent is high in NY!

Mark William Rabiner
    Leica Users Group.
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