[Leica] IMGS: Animals

Doug Herr wildlightphoto at earthlink.net
Mon Apr 23 16:05:20 PDT 2018

Tina Manley wrote:
>Why would you need more than 24 MP?  It certainly exceeds film as far as
>dynamic range and the ability to enlarge it goes.

Over-sampling to avoid Bayer-pattern artifacts like aliasing and moire.  When I was using the 90-280 and SL, fine feather detail produced lots of both.  The a7rII's 42MP combined with the 280 APO still produces some but its much more manageable.  Some species of birds are more prone to Bayer-pattern artifacts and will produce such even with a camera with an AA filter, but 24MP w/o AA filter, an exceptionally sharp lens like the 90-280 and fine regular detail like many feathers is asking for trouble.

Doug Herr
Birdman of Sacramento

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