[Leica] IMG: Pho

FRANK DERNIE frank.dernie at btinternet.com
Fri Sep 8 01:30:22 PDT 2017

I have astigmatism and am short sighted. I used hard contact lenses for decades until I couldn't read without glasses if I had my contact lenses in.I discussed the situation with my optician who proposed the laser surgery with one distance eye and one for reading, I was unsure but he offered to make me contact lenses which did the same so I could try it for a month. I did acclimatise but found, for example, that I was unable to recognise the species of distant birds and so forth when out walking, and I found reading a bit uncomfortable so I decided against laser surgery.In the end I decided that if I needed glasses at all I may as well have them all the time, to avoid losing them (my wife has dozens of readers all over the place but can never find any). I didn't want to lose my near sight without specs for doing fine work.Now I wear varifocals all the time except reading in bed, where I don't need glasses, and at my main computer where non varifocals made to suit mean I don't have to crane my neck, I am fine at my laptop with the varifocals.
It seems different compromises suit different people.cheers,Frank D.


    On Thursday, 7 September 2017, 20:33, Tina Manley <tmanley at gmail.com> wrote:


I took my M246 to my ophthalmologist appointment this morning.  I chose to
have my left eye lens implant focused for distance and I can focus the
camera with it again!  Now I'm considering whether to have the right eye
implant focused for reading.  That is essentially what I have right now
because I can see distance with my left eye and read with my right eye.
That way I could use the camera - focusing and setting it - without
glasses.  Opinions??

Here is Tom eating Pho:


I focused on his glasses.


Tina Manley

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