[Leica] [IMG] PESO - Lawrence's Spring

Peter Dzwig pdzwig at summaventures.com
Sun Oct 29 13:05:34 PDT 2017

I muttered something about posting shots from Wadi Rum, Jordan taken in
September, so...

This is the site known as "Lawrence's Spring", supposedly used by TE Lawrence
during the Arab Revolt in WWI. It is at the junction of the semi-permeable
sandstones of the mountains and harder granitic layers beneath. It has been a
source of water to the Bedouin of the area for millenia.

The actual spring is behind you and is channeled to the right in the image,
where camels are drinking. The mountain in front rises to about 1700m (about
5,500 ft) from the valley bed.

Two versions colour and B&W. Which do you prefer?




Your comments and constructive criticisms are as always welcome.

** If anyone can tell me how to resize to get the large image to a more
manageable size please let me know. :-) **

Samsung S7: details as per EXIF, my main camera's battery died on me :-(

Thanks for taking the time to look.

Peter Dzwig

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