[Leica] Opinions?
Jayanand Govindaraj
jayanand at gmail.com
Wed Oct 25 07:59:23 PDT 2017
I like the smiling shot in B&W best.
None of these would prompt me to give money. Only a rigorous positive
analysis of the charity's aims, achievements, and its finances, especially
the expense to income ratio and other such indicators about expenses and
expense control, would at least get me to think about donating. Most
charities I know and have seen in detail are more about raising money for
keeping the staff comfortable, and consequently much less funds actually
gets spent on the intended beneficiaries than really should. I never donate
to charities/NGOs who refuse to give me the latest financial statements -
you will be surprised that only 5% of those that come to me for donations
are willing to do so.
On Wed, Oct 25, 2017 at 6:19 PM, Tina Manley <tmanley at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm working on this year's project to raise money for Syrian Refugee
> children's education. We are selling calendars as the main fund-raiser,
> but also intend to do notecards or postcards featuring the children who are
> being helped.
> Last year I did B&W notecards and thought maybe this year I would do
> something different - maybe color postcards. What do you think?
> http://www.pbase.com/image/166459842
> http://www.pbase.com/tinamanley/image/166461631
> http://www.pbase.com/tinamanley/image/166459924
> http://www.pbase.com/tinamanley/image/166461637
> Color or B&W, smiling or not? Which would prompt you to give money?? If
> postcards are cheaper than notecards, which would you buy?
> Tina
> --
> Tina Manley
> www.tinamanley.com
> tina-manley.artistwebsites.com
> http://www.alamy.com/stock-photography/3B49552F-90A0-
> 4D0A-A11D-2175C937AA91/Tina+Manley.html
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