[Leica] Leica officially announced Thambar 2.2/90

Alan Magayne-Roshak amr3 at uwmalumni.com
Sun Oct 22 17:31:26 PDT 2017

On Oct 17, 2017, at 4:15 PM, Montie <montoid at earthlink.net> wrote:
> Concur, can we say, "Edsel"?
> Montie
>> They have a nostalgic look to them but I would guess it's nothing you
>> couldn't do digitally if you wanted to.
Seems like a lot of work to recreate something a lens can do in one step.
I'm partly a pictorialist, and I like using my Wollensak Verito and my
home-made Thambar substitute (the Velmar)
for some pictures.  I don't think every photo has to be super-sharp.

I like what George said:

>Digital ?effects?
>Optical ?effects?
>generally fail
>in the same way
>that digital ?effects
>trying to mimic
>Drawing and/or Painting ?effects?
>generally fail.

>The Rodenstock Imagon lenses and Thambar and the like
>achieve their effects in unique ways.
>You may not like them or their effects;
>yet they do draw unique images.
>And the Imagons can deliver tack sharp to numerous
>different types of softness along with glowing highlights.

I did a comparison test once, using a very detailed mannikin with a wig.
I shot it with a 135mm f/4.5 Hektor straight, the Hektor + a DUTO #1, a
DUTO #2, a piece of window screen, and then
with my 135mm f/4.5 modified Elmar (what I call the Velmar)  Each variation
was different, but my favorite was the
Velmar.  There was a sharp image overlaid with a glow in the highlights
that I found appealing.  It's the same
look that I get with the 9" f/4 Wollensak Verito on my 4x5 RB Graflex.

Here's the same woman photographed with these two lenses.

Another with the Verito.

Alan Magayne-Roshak, Senior Photographer
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Photo Services
UPAA Photographer of the Year 1978
UPAA Master of the Profession 2014
amr3 at uwm.edu

"All the technique in the world doesn't compensate
 for an inability to notice. " - Elliott Erwitt

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