[Leica] IMG: brace yourself - election news

Jim Nichols jhnichols at lighttube.net
Fri Oct 13 14:13:36 PDT 2017

Nice series of photos, Adam.  I need to check out that lens!

Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA

On 10/13/2017 3:18 PM, Adam Bridge wrote:
> Our river cruise on the Danube, Danube-Main Canal, Main and Rhine rivers was quite wonderful.
> We were in Bamburg a few days before the German election. This gentleman seemed to find the morning paper as bracing as I do - although (hopefully) for altogether different reasons.
> <https://adam-bridge.smugmug.com/Travel/2017-River-Cruise/Bamburg/n-jQXh5K/>
> Fuji X-T2 with their excellent 18-130 zoom which became my goto lens for the entire trip. I took others, used a few, but this one quite met my needs.
> Thanks for looking/commenting.
> Adam Bridge
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