[Leica] Georgia

Douglas Barry imra at iol.ie
Wed Nov 15 15:41:43 PST 2017

Some really impressive shots in that link, Tina: they really appeal to 
me. Thanks very much.

My parents had a seaside holiday place in West Cork about 230m miles 
from home in Dublin, and we used to keep about 40 sheep there to keep 
the grass down, so my father ensured (for his own comfort) that I became 
reasonably skilled in managing them. That meant buying them, 
innoculating them (did they have susceptibility to umpteen diseases? 
They sure did!), herding them, penning them, treating them, shearing 
them, and selling them, so the difficulties of that monstrous trip over 
the mountains really echoed with me. The echoes were helped by the fact 
that my sport in my late 20s and 30s was mountain running, and I ran up 
and down steep mountains like that for fun - even in the snowy 
conditions shown. I must have been nuts!


On 15/11/2017 20:01, Tina Manley wrote:
> There are so many awful photos posted on the web that I like to share when
> I find some that are actually good:
> https://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2017/10/the-shepherds-of-the-tusheti-mountains/544514/
> Looks like a place I would like to go!
> Tina

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