[Leica] Dragon boats

Douglas Barry imra at iol.ie
Mon Mar 6 06:58:35 PST 2017

Looking at the faces, they definitely think they are competing in a 
sport :-)
Good shot and it IS nice to have a big sensor!


On 05/03/2017 05:28, Sonny Carter wrote:
> The dragon boats were back at NSU today.  That's where inexperienced groups
> of people compete with little training in a semi-athletic water non-sport.
> This is a cropped pano, shot with my 90mm macro G lens.  When you get to
> the website, you'll need to click the image to see it big, maybe twice
> depending on your browser.  I think it's worth looking at big for the
> faces.  ;-)
> http://sonc.com/look/?p=5426

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