[Leica] IMG: More Hostas

Jim Nichols jhnichols at lighttube.net
Fri Jun 23 11:41:43 PDT 2017

Thanks, Douglas. We had slugs years ago, but not lately. One more thing to be thankful for.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 23, 2017, at 1:08 PM, Douglas Barry <imra at iol.ie> wrote:
> Lovely flowers, Jim, and a good shot. It's pity the slugs find them so attractive. Well, the ones here do and used to devour ours any chance they got.
> Douglas
>> On 23/06/2017 18:30, Jim Nichols wrote:
>> Hostas in progress.
>> http://www.gallery.leica-users.org/v/OldNick/20170621-DSCF2572.JPG.html
>> Comments and critiques welcomed.
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