[Leica] Film Lab

Peter Dzwig pdzwig at summaventures.com
Wed Jun 21 06:12:05 PDT 2017

Just saying that when I shoot on film I find the difference "refreshing"


On 19/06/17 12:13, Mark Rabiner wrote:
> I see your point Peter after looking up immutable but your hard disk back up is not a single entity in time and space but is one of many. So, for your shot to disappear digital it must not open in every hard disk you’ve saved it to and that’s not realistically going to happen. In this discussion people talk as if your file is backed up to one hard disk and one hard disk only. I remover when I’d back up my whole computer to a stack of 20 floppies. But next month it was a stack of 20 other floppies.
> And people forget just how smart we are going to be in the year 2525 if we are still alive.
> We can shoot a whole lot more now that its digital be we were already being shooting a whole lot before.
> An amateur brings an extra roll a pro brings an extra pro pack. That’s 20 rolls in cellophane maybe 10. And when we have a pro pack we shoot a pro pack. When we have a roll, we shoot a roll.
> The difference between an amateur and a pro in chemical basic photography in the past century was a normal person goes click and walks away and a pro shoots a roll. “film is cheap “was drilled into us and it had to be became it did cost real money and we’d do a pretty good job of passing that on to our silence who were paying use $20 a roll to shoot it.
> I’m very excited about making serious images and if I felt like few do that going back to the darkroom is going to help in doing I’d do that. The idea is if I must try so hard just to get a picture that makes it a better picture. That means I’m a serious shooter.  I know better having done a whole lot of both.

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