[Leica] Looking for 8x10 (and 4x5) "throwaways"

photo.forrest1 at gmail.com photo.forrest1 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 17 02:14:11 PDT 2017

Apologies if I've seemed overly sensitive but I have a place I'm coming from as well. I have struggled as a photographer, not with the craft but the marketing and opportunity. For 12 years now since my Navy career I've tried to make a meagre living (or sometimes make anything at all) doing what I love. Photography, all different aspects of it. I finished a degree in journalism and In 2012 I wound up homelessly couch surfing, again living solely by the good grace of friends, while busting my ass in Philly and NYC just to get a part time position that paid $10.75/hr + X per photo and Y per word (I forgot the rates but they were LOW.)I have finally given up on photography for anything other than my own happy snaps and these last two years of this "transition" have been horrible on my psyche. I gave up that struggle and am trying to come to grips with giving up what I have called my identy for a few decades. I guess my time passed when I was in the Navy and that is that. It was a
  good run. The whole "give me stuff" angle irked me a bit too because I saved up for 5 months to buy an old wood field camera with a bellows that was swiss cheese plus a half dozen old riteway holders. Saved up for three more months to buy a lens and a replacement bellows. Then saved for another month to buy a 50 sheet box of Arista film in spite of wanting 50 sheets of TriX that was 3x as much. Maybe I just have more humility than to ask but I'm very proud of my little kit I've put together over the past year. My girlfriend and I live in a crappy neighborhood in Philly with some of the worst rates of the city's heroin and meth ODs. Drug dealers in any direction, occasional gunfire (weekly,) people along the streets cooking various meats and veggies to both eat and sell; cooking on creosote treated wood like old telephone poles and rail ties nonetheless. We live paycheck to paycheck with just a tiny bit of savings. I'm beginning grad school soon as is my girlfriend, we're 
 both going to become therapists. We'll still be low income as students but considering where we live and how fortunate we are to have what we do, we don't have the audacity to call ourselves poor.Sorry to get on a high horse about this but it is a topic near and dear to me.
Phil Forrest

------ Original message------From: Richard ManDate: Sat, Jun 17, 2017 04:45To: photo.forrest1 at gmail.com;Cc: Leica Users Group;Subject:Re: [Leica] Looking for 8x10 (and 4x5) "throwaways"
Hmm... obviously I didn't mean to offend. Sorry my enthusiasm get in the way.

If people are hung up on the word, yes, in many level, I am not poor. After all, I do live in where I am. However, I am literally mortgaging our future for some new product development and there are lots of business and personal stuff that I am not going to blah about on a forum.

However, I try not to be mean to people, including sending people in need money, drove 8 hours to see friends in need for 2 hours, and max out our credit cards just so that a dying friend can have some good meals.

But whatever.

On Sat, Jun 17, 2017 at 1:19 AM, photo.forrest1 at gmail.com <photo.forrest1 at gmail.com> wrote:
    Yeah, I find this just a bit offensive, on a few different levels.
Phil Forrest
------ Original message------From: Richard ManDate: Fri, Jun 16, 2017 21:03To: Leica Users Group;Cc: Subject:[Leica] Looking for 8x10 (and 4x5) "throwaways"
I am poor, nice people gift me stuff. Now I have a Sinar P2  8x10 (Holymother of gods, what a beautiful piece of machine....) So if you any 8x10stuff (film, film holders, lens, loupe etc.) that are sitting around, Iwill probably take them. Same go with 4x5 stuff...Thanks-- // richard http://imagecraft.comBeyond Arduino - When you're ready to get serious...JumpStart C Tools for Atmel AVR and Cortex-M, The Better Alternative_______________________________________________Leica Users Group.See http://leica-users.org/mailman/listinfo/lug for more information

// richard http://imagecraft.com
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