[Leica] Syrian Children

Tina Manley tmanley at gmail.com
Tue Jun 13 06:04:20 PDT 2017

Thanks, Frank.  My comments were based on what the people I met in Syria
told me.  They are the ones who have chosen to stay and fight for their
country so their opinions might be biased but they believe them strongly.


On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 3:34 AM, Frank Dernie <Frank.Dernie at btinternet.com>

> I loved you pictures of children. I am in awe of your travels and
> photographs but do not often comment.
> I think most of the news we get is extremely biased. I read multiple news
> sites to try to get at the truth and the stories are poles apart depending
> on which news organisation you read. On top of that the internet has bred
> dozens of extremist “opinion” sites purporting to be “news” but with no
> attempt at investigation on the ground and ignoring all facts which
> conflict with the existing opinion, rather than changing the opinion to
> match fact. Depressing.
> Frank D.
> > On 13 Jun 2017, at 00:27, Tina Manley <tmanley at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > PESO:
> >
> > I told myself I would not post here again since my last post about my
> trip
> > to Syria was totally ignored.  I checked to be sure it was posted and it
> > was.  My posts on Facebook have received many comments but not a single
> one
> > here.  Just in case, I'm trying one more time before I give up
> completely.
> > These are Syrian children who attend a school that is supported by our
> > Syrian Working Group.  We are trying to make it possible for Syrians to
> > stay in Syria.  If you read my first post, you know that the news we
> > receive in the USA is very different from what the Syrians believe is the
> > truth.  We are just hoping the children will be able to make a difference
> > in the future.
> >
> > http://www.pbase.com/tinamanley/image/165612438
> >
> > Leica SL, 50/1.4 - a phenomenal lens.
> >
> > Tina
> > --
> > Tina Manley
> > www.tinamanley.com
> > tina-manley.artistwebsites.com
> > http://www.alamy.com/stock-photography/3B49552F-90A0-
> 4D0A-A11D-2175C937AA91/Tina+Manley.html
> >
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Tina Manley

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