[Leica] Leica SL lens question

hopsternew at gmail.com hopsternew at gmail.com
Fri Jun 9 17:28:44 PDT 2017

Bob I should have more correctly said that the ROM functions with the R lenses are not relevant with the M lenses and there is no mechanical linkage for aperture operation with M lenses as we know.
And yes the M optical dot coding is relevant.
My love for the 24-90 and OIS is not undiluted I confess, or at least the jury is still out for me.
The way I use the SL focus is to use a single AF point in AFs operating in MF with the rear button (as I was taught for fashion/beauty with DSLRs)
But I don’t always see what I think ought to be bitingly sharp even though I am typically f/9.5 and be there for studio.
It certainly can be but maybe I need more practice. To be fair when you are seeing S and SL files from same environment at 100% on your editing monitor.....
Maybe the OIS is making my slower exposures sharper but I am not noticing it. It’s a thing to remember when I go to tripod though.

As an aside to that let’s see if all of those acronyms provoke comments!

Handling wise for me the SL-and 24-90 doesn’t feel appreciably lighter that  the S with say 70 and the S is much better ergonomically as far as holding comfort. That changes if you put the battery grip on the SL
Without that it is the sharp lower edge that bites me a bit after an hour or two and a few hundred frames. Again it obviously it depends on how you are shooting.  Sitting or kneeling on the studio floor hand-holding that thing, align focus point compose shoot, maybe a frame every three seconds for sets of 30 or 50. Maybe 300-500 frames in a couple of hours, more if I am shooting with both cameras.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Bob Adler
Sent: Saturday, 10 June 2017 10:01 AM
To: Leica Users Group
Subject: Re: [Leica] Leica SL lens question

My M adapter has contacts.  Also, the lens information on coded M lenses is passed through to become part of the EXIF information. 

Relative to Aram's question, there are a couple of things that I like about SL lenses vs third party lenses:
1.  SL lenses have OIS. I find this is very helpful in keeping the ISO lower and the shutter speed higher by a couple of stops. 
2.  The autofocus is pretty impressive, but I'm not shooting sports or moving animals, jus grandsons...
3. Have you added the weight of the SL/R or whatever adapter to your calcs?
4. The SL 24-90 isn't really that large. The hood and small body make it appear that way. My bride thinks it looks, overall, smaller than most N & C cameras she sees. YMMV
Good luck,

Bob Adler

> On Jun 8, 2017, at 9:33 PM, Geoff Hopkinson <hopsternew at gmail.com> wrote:
> Aram you might like to research the exact functionality and cost for the R
> adaptor as part of your considerations? Doug may be able to comment there?
> I have the M adaptor but that has no linkages or contacts at all of course
>> On Fri, 9 Jun 2017 at 2:21 pm, Aram <leica_r8 at hotmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi.  I was wondering about an alternative lens for the SL.  My biggest
>> gripe (aside from price) is the weight of the system and had a thought of a
>> way to perhaps lighten the load a bit.  I have the 35-70/4 but I have
>> always thought I could use a bit more range.  So, how about the Leica 28-90
>> ASPH?  I hear it is a pretty darn good lens, weighs about 50% less than the
>> new 24-90 for the SL and can be had for a lot less money.  Does anybody
>> know how it would compare optically with the 24-90?  I found some MTF
>> curves for each, and it looks like the new SL lens is better, but that does
>> not tell me much about real life situations.  True, you give up AF, but I
>> do that now anyway using my 35-70 on my Nikon.  And I played around with an
>> SL a bit last time I was in Seattle and I was able to focus it accurately
>> with a much higher success rate than with my Nikon D750.  I was at one time
>> tempted to get the 28-90 until I found out that Leitax does not adapt that
>> lens to a Nikon mount.
>> Aram
>> Aram Langhans
>> (Semi) Retired Science Teacher
>> & Unemployed photographer
>> “The Human Genome Project has proved Darwin more right than Darwin himself
>> would ever have dared dream.” James D. Watson
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