[Leica] Canadian calmness?

Mark Rabiner mark at rabinergroup.com
Tue Jun 6 12:58:22 PDT 2017

If you think of it when you operate a lawn mower you’re operating quite a noisy swirling machine. So, you are a kind of operating a hand pushed gas driven tornado of your own. Just part of the larger tornado family. So, the fact that you operating this man-made tornado kind of makes you tornado proof. You are one of them. I can see that from what I’ve been through.
Here’s why I think that:

I mowed a lawn once on a neighbors across the street large backyard which was mostly weeds. On early one Saturday morning, I went back there with my mower filled with gas and my shirt off and all those weeds bloomed. And on each yellow bloom was a yellow buzzing bee. Thousands of them. The combined buzzing noise they made was quite intimidating I’d never seen nor heard anything like it before or since.  Most young entrepreneurs would have backed off for another day. But I needed my five bucks so I could take the L to downtown Chicago and hang out at Wabash Camera. 
The combined buzzing noise was not as quite as loud as my lawn mower. They accepted me as one of them. I survived. 
I must have taken out several hundred of them though. I think those yellow buds may have had a drug effect on them. Not one even thought about stinging me. I’m very sympathetic to bees now. I don’t kill them. They don’t sting me. 
The still talk about the bee massacre of the summer of ’67 though.
In a low buzzing bee whisper.



Mark William Rabiner
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