[Leica] Silver Efex Pro Obituary

Mark Rabiner mark at rabinergroup.com
Thu Jun 1 22:38:46 PDT 2017

I’d learned to use all kinds of third party software filters; plug ins they used to be called for Photoshop especially when it came out in the early 90’s. All my photographer friends did. Remember the Kai filter set or plug in set? Two boxes fifteen filters each. Buy one box get the second one free.  We all got good with the Kai filters and then Kai bought the farm and it did not translate to the next Photoshop upgrade which I think was 3. So after using Photoshop for five years we had to learn how to use Photoshop. We all learned what what we needed to be doing was refining our use of Photoshop itself and not these here today gone tomorrow plug ins. If they’re any good Adobe like the Borg absorbs them. Wait for that to happen. If it’s not any good it goes by the wayside and you’ll not miss it when its gone because you never got suckered into spending money for the dumb thing. Photoshop comes complete. You don’t have to spend money on it for extras.   It’s a put time in not put money in kind of thin.
You’re probably using less the one tenth of one present of it as is just like your brain.



Mark William Rabiner

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