[Leica] SL redux

Doug Herr wildlightphoto at earthlink.net
Tue Jan 3 18:12:45 PST 2017

Last year I had an opportunity to test-drive a Leica SL for a few months and I concluded it wasn't quite ready for me.  My primary complaints were an inability to keep the viewfinder in 'exposure preview' mode and a lack of sensor stabilization.

You may also recall the saga of my 280 APO that had been sent to Leica for service and returned after 8 months un-repaired and looking like it had been dropped on the rear lens cap.  My words for Leica were not kind.

Leica's appeasement is a one-month loan of an SL and 90-280 APO, which should arrive by the end of the week.  The lens has an optical stabilization feature which would eliminate one of my complaints about the camera, at least in the 90-280mm range.  To be continued.

BTW, I recommend Leica dealer Tony Rose (popflash.com) for all your Leica needs, including prodding Leica USA.

Doug Herr
Orangevale, Sacramento County

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