[Leica] Sharon's Garden

CartersXRd cartersxrd at gmail.com
Sat Dec 30 16:48:10 PST 2017

sitting here warming my hands over the photos;^)_


> On Dec 30, 2017, at 4:57 PM, Jim Hemenway <jim at hemenway.com> wrote:
> Our accomplished flower shooters, Jim and the Carter Boys haven't shown us much of their work for several days due to the cold.
> So to warm the cockels of your hearts, not posted before... here's some of mine shot last August in Sharon's Garden in a place named Hart's Location in New Hampshire's White Mountains last summer.
> http://hemenway.com/Hart/
> I'd like to dedicate the last one to Philippe's LUG Bk 2017 - idea
> At 5:00 PM EST, it's 17F in Boston and 7F in Hart's Location, NH... only 33 miles away from Mt Washington where it's currently -15F
> http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&biw=&bih=&q=zipcode+harts+location+nh&gbv=2&oq=zipcode+harts+location+nh&gs_l=heirloom-hp.3..0i22i30.15226.29689.0.32189.
> It's so cold here in Winchester that when I was outside talking to my neighbor, our words were freezing and falling to the ground as we spoke.  We had to collect them all and bring them inside just to know what we had been talking about.
> Happy New Year
> Jim
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