[Leica] IMG -- That Time When Someone Left You Cameras on Your Doorstep

Frank Farmer frank at f3documentaryphotography.com
Wed Dec 20 19:13:51 PST 2017

We have an old friend, both chronologically for us, and for her. She’s cleaning out her home and has long known of my photographic predilection, and my love of old cameras. Today, I came home to a box of four Zeiss Ikon Contaflex SLR cameras and one Ansco rangefinder (not pictured). It was a good day for deliveries, and for the old camera collection!

 http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/farff/Shots-From-the-Deep-South/2017/2017-Dec-20-cameras-002.jpg.html <http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/farff/Shots-From-the-Deep-South/2017/2017-Dec-20-cameras-002.jpg.html>

Frank F. Farmer
Jackson, Mississippi 

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