[Leica] Leica M9 CCD problem

Frank Filippone red735i at verizon.net
Fri Aug 25 15:53:47 PDT 2017

Yes, my M9 problem was not a glass coating image, the stinking glass plate
FELL OFF ( think in terms of something going tinkle tinkle inside your
camera... scary sounds)  Look at the sensor and you see the glass plate has
shifted from its obvious correct position....  NOT the same problem as the
cover glass having corrosion issues....

I have an M9 and a CCD Monochrom.  The M9 had the glass fall off... the
Monochrom is currently in for service with the "coating separatin".....
They only put a new glue ring and a new glass on the M9.  ( the glue ring
looks like a rectangular donut of very thin thinness (glue only, it seems)
....  I found this info by looking on the InterWeb and making some
However, the overall solution is the same... replace the cover glass
plate.....   No need to replace the sensor, it works fine.....

The data I reported is on my Monochrom.... for which I do not KNOW what is
going to be changed..... But I believe it will be the same repair....
remove old glass, and glue, replace glue, replace glass... then a
calibration and FW update.....

The FW update is to accommodate the different characteristics of the new
glass cover plate.  ( before someone goes nuts trying to figure out the
change, take a chip pill... the glass is DIFFERENT.  Therefore the color
characteristic are different... therefore, to get the same output resultant
in an image, you must alter the color lookup table in FW.  It is transparent
to us as users.)

Frank Filippone

Red735i at verizon.net

it would appear that your M9 problem was different.

My repair memo states:

*"Necessary labours *3.000 H





*Error description *

Sensor cover glass, coating is seperatin

adjust range finder

clean, lubrication and adjustment

*leather covering *1 PCS


Note that there is a coating problem on the sensor cover glass; the cover
itself has not fallen off. Of course, Leica could just change the top cover
only and keep the original CCD sensor. Not sure how we can tell short of
stripping the camera.

On Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 3:52 PM, Frank Filippone <red735i at verizon.net>

> My M9 had the sensor cover glass fall off.  They put on a new glue 
> ring and new glass.  No sensor replacement....
> I have said this before..... In the case of corroded sensor cover 
> plate......They are NOT replacing the sensor... all that needs to be 
> done is to replace the faulty glass cover plate..... so that is all 
> they are doing.....
> Regardless of what someone thinks they are doing.....or did......
> A better question is.......  Are they swapping out YOUR sensor PCB for 
> a repaired replacement?
>  I do not know.  Given that they took 11 weeks on my M9, and God knows 
> how long on the Monochrom, they certainly have the time to not do the
> Frank Filippone  M9, Monochrom CCD, both repaired.....
> Red735i at verizon.net
> Hi All,
> Yet another post on the M9 CCD problem.
>  I sent in my M9 for repair just before the deadline and got an email 
> stating that  the sensor glass would be replaced only. Is this the 
> standard remedy for this problem? Based on reports on the web I was 
> under the impression that the entire sensor would be replaced not just 
> the glass
> cover- I assume this is why Leica ask for ca. 1000 euros after the 
> August 15th  deadline.
> I would very much appreciated hearing from luggers who have had the 
> CCD on their M9s repaired. Please post the scope of your repair: glass 
> only entire CCD or...?
> Akhil
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