[Leica] Film exposure error - how to correct it

Peter Dzwig pdzwig at summaventures.com
Wed Aug 16 02:21:27 PDT 2017


I put my M3 back in to use over the vacation. I was exposing the film in it as
ASA400 assuming that I had one of my usual films in it.

HOWEVER ( :-( ) I found that I had a roll of 125 ASA FP4+ in it when I came to
the end of the roll. When I started using it I had noticed that I had already
exposed some 10 frames. So I have 10 frames exposed at 125 ASA and 25 - or
thereabouts - exposed as 400 ASA. Most of the shots taken when I was assuming it
was 400 were exposed in the region of f8 - f16 at 1/500th.

I send film to Ilford to process. My question is: how should I tell them to
develop it?

I think I have the following options:

(i) DON'T - just bin it and write it off to bad luck!

(ii) Develop it as (say) 200 ASA, accept that some will be under-exposed and
that the rest will be over exposed and sort it out when I scan the film and play
with it in PS or NikFX (or whatever). The short exposure times on the 400 ASA
shots may help as they will be on he darker side.

(iii) Develop it as one or the other (125 or 400 ASA)

Any other thoughts/recommendations?


PS I know that I should shoot a whole roll before i forget what the film is and
go off on autopilot :-)

Dr Peter Dzwig				

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